It's the end of January and it is my youngest child's birthday. Kayla Ann was born on January 29th, 1985 at the "NEW" Georgetown Hospital. For those of you that have lived here awhile, you will remember the opening of the NEW hospital. We were moving up big time and Kayla was one of the first babies born in that hospital. Wow, the rooms were awesome, new, clean and so different from the John Graves Ford Memorial Hospital where my other children were born. Actually, on June 24, 1956, I was born in that old hospital!!! You can only imagine the excitement this birth brought to my life...
Kayla Ann was born right before a huge snowstorm, so I called her my snow baby. She was just as cute as she could be. We all loved her dearly. As a matter of fact, there was never anytime during the day, when she was by herself. Her siblings were constantly entertaining her and she would just smile and watch. Kayla was such a good baby. She was a fun toddler and she grew into a sweet little girl, that was never lacking love in her life. When she got older she spent most of her time playing school, drawing, coloring and trying to do what her brother and sisters were doing.
Kayla was 8 years behind Jamie and 5 years behind Niki and Kelly, so after they grew up and left home, she became an only child. Now, she always had family that visited, but she didn't have to share everything. Greg and I had so much fun helping her with projects, laughing at her interacting with her friends and watching her become very independent. We learned so much from Kayla. We even learned all of the scientific names of certain plants and what they looked like. We had to drill her on them so she could compete at the State level with FFA. We were always busy. We savored every single event because, Kayla was the baby and we had no more children to follow on those adventures. She was the end of our line of children. The next people that we would watch doing "school things" would be grandchildren. Oh, how the years seemed to fly by...
Anyway, to shorten my story, when Kayla moved out Greg and I were so sad. We didn't even know what channel to watch on tv. However, she kept returning home and that made us so happy. She went to college and graduate school, then took off on her own. We couldn't hold her back and as parents, that is what we knew would happen. She has her own house and is a High School Mathematics teacher (I didn't see that one coming!)... We still love her, we still support her and we will always be here if she needs us...
Happy Birthday to my little snow baby... I love you with all of my heart...